Hungarian Product

With three decades of experience our company has been an outstanding participant
of the Hungarian meat industry since 1991.
As we constantly investing in the development of our meat plant, we are creating jobs and primarily we are suppling our partners and also Hungarian consumers with excellent quality meat products.
Our meat plant was built in 2007 as a greenfield investment.
Thanks to the unique two-floored design of our facility and the modern technological equipments that we use during the production, we achieved the absolute frontline of the Hungarian beef market in a short period of time.
Mikofami Kft. has a leading position in the sector. Nowadays with an outstanding performance we are providing more than the 20% of the total production in this field in Hungary.
From the very beginning, export activity played a significant role in the life of Mikofami Kft.
Over the years we have developed countless long-term and stable partnerships.

Mikofami premium product family's palette can be found in our shop besides various other high quality meat products.
SHOPOur commitment is to follow our partners’ needs to the highest levels and also to provide consumers premium quality and additive-free meat products.
Founded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

Name of the beneficiary: Mikofami Kft.
Name of the tender: Value elevatement in the field of agricultural products, and resource efficiency improvement related to the procedure of processing.
Code number: VP-3-4.2.1-15
Title of the project: Improvement of the cooling system, and manufacturing technology related development in the meat processing factory.
Identification number: 1802473414
Contractual amount of backing: 59,45 Million HUF
Amount of own contribution: 50%
Short summary of the project:
During the project several types of developement completed sucesfully in our facility as infrastuctural developement, construction and technological improvements. It helped us to utilise our customer base’s full potential with new market niche targeted manufacturing technologies. In a part of an extensive mechanical developement procedure various equipment improvement took place in the meat processing section of our facility. ( packaging, grinding, portioning technologies, forklift acquisition).100 kWh power solar panel system was developed and construction improvement took place in our meat plant including the developement of a new cooling system and freezer room. In economical and energetical point of view these developements fullfills the latest standards, while having a 30% improvement in energetical effectiveness than our previously used technologies.
Date of project completion according to the plans: 2018.06.30.
Name of the beneficiary: Mikofami Kft.
Name of the tender: Value improvement of aricultural product approached from the field of product processing.
Code number: VP3-4.2.1-4.2.2-18
Title of the project: Manufacturing technology related development in the meat processing factory
Identification number: 1970978456
Contractual amount of backing: 32,51 Million HUF
Amount of own contribution: 50%
Short summary of the project:
In this project value improvement focused development took place related to hungarian agricultural products. In case of improving of meat processing procedure effectiveness various equipment acquisition completed sucessfully in this project. (sawing machine, electrical forklift, gas-powered forklift, dicing machine, hygienic gate installation). In this project a 100kVA performance polycrystalline solar modul driven power plant also become installed at our facility.
Date of project completion according to the plans: 2021.08.31.